About Queen of the Oil Patch

Massey Whiteknife is a Two-Spirit person who built a multi-million-dollar company in the rugged oil city of Fort McMurray. When his businesses are hit hard by a series of disastrous events, Massey introduces an idea that will test the boundaries of acceptance in Oil Country: Iceis Rain, an award-winning female recording artist.

The thing is, Iceis Rain and Massey Whiteknife are the same person. Massey dreams of someday transitioning into Iceis Rain full-time. But he’s afraid of how it will affect his business, and more importantly, how it will affect the people he loves — namely his mother.

As they rebuild their business, Massey and Iceis set out to reconnect with their Indigenous culture, exploring the origins of what it means to be Two-Spirit in today’s world. They meet with Two-Spirit Elders, medicine men, a United Church pastor, trans-native pioneers, and even journey back into nature to find answers.


Season 2 Episode 2: Massey meets other Two-Spirit dancers

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